Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Portfolio Web Design Sketches

Above are the sketches for my web design.  I have chosen to design a hypothetical portfolio for myself.  I created a home page with links across the header for the different varieties of project we've put together which include posters, e-cards, and book covers.  While I will post my original works under those headings, I will likely have to borrow place holders for the other grid blocks shown above as I honestly only have one example for each at the moment.  Additionally, I have a sidebar containing links to an "About Me" tab, an "Contact" tab, and an "In the News" tab.  The "About Me" is fairly plan with just a picture of me along with some text.  The "Contact Me" page will have the usual fields for an email template, but next to it will be a list of "reviews" from people who have viewed or used my work before to help promote me.  The "In The News" tab will direct viewers to links where I've been mentioned in the news or in magazines along with thumbnails from the articles to showcase my professional network and acclaim.  All of the content-based pages that show the images I have created will be set up the same way, with a grid along the top and, when an image is clicked, a larger version of it will appear below the grid line.  Arrow keys on both sides of the larger image will allow viewers to scan through the enlarged images from that view.  I haven't really decided what colors or themes I will have the background images be yet, but I have a general idea of where I want everything.  I want it to be fairly straight-laced and easy to get through, but with a little flourish to the designs.  Based off of this module's Lynda.com tutorial, I have some ideas for things like the buttons and presentation of the images, however I plan to basically use trial and error to decide what I like the look of for my site.

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